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Intellectual outputs

Methodological guide

Leading Organization: Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Output Type: Methodologies / guidelines – Methodological framework for implementation

Languages: English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese

Start Date: 20/10/2019 - End Date: 31/01/2021

The Methodological Guide will be the base of the core subject that allows its incorporation to any faculty and to any level of higher education. That's where their main innovation lies, given that there is no subject that complies with those characteristics and that, depending on it, is susceptible to be included in the programming of any faculty and at any level.

Once complete, it will have a singular acceptance in the majority of faculties of the UCM, as it will also happen in the partners of the project, since there is a high interest in having a common subject that educates the university students in the matter of climate change, since they will be the future citizens and the future leaders of a society that depends especially on the conservation of our environment.

The Methodological Guide is the document that will show the way to organise the subject to the universities that decide to offer it to their students. Being a transversal and optional subject, we assume that students will be specially motivated to take it, so it will be ideal to use innovative learning methodologies, combined with the classic master class. For this reason, the methodological guide will include advice on how to include learning methods such as: flipped classroom, case study, project based learning, and rubric evaluation.

Both the innovative methodologies and the multidisciplinary nature of the participants have three main advantages. On one hand, future students will be immersed in an enriching learning experience. This is expected because, being a multidisciplinary subject, both students and teachers will have a very diverse background, so the group dynamics associated with these methodologies will be especially useful. On the other hand, it will be possible to adapt the subject to the specific problems of the country where it is implemented, which will have a very positive repercussion on the impact and transferability of teaching. Finally, the proposed subject fulfills several of the purposes stated in the Bologna and Prague statements on the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) as the use of a teaching guide, the ECTS credit system (European Credits Transfer System), promotion of the mobility and cooperation of students, teachers and researchers, life-long learning and the active participation of students. 

The development of the methodologies will include their definition of the objectives to be pursued and the competencies that will be covered with their use, how their organization should be, the tasks to be carried out by both teachers and students, the resources that are necessary to carry it out and the most appropriate techniques for its evaluation, including some rubrics as an example for teachers.


English version  Spanish version  Portuguese version Greek version Turkie version Italian version


Teaching guide

Leading Organization: Akdeniz University


Output Type: Learning / teaching / training material – Manual / handbook / guidance material

Languages: English, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish

Start Date: 20/10/2019 - End Date: 31/01/2021

The Teaching Guide will be the document that outlines everything that will be covered in the cross-cutting subject. The main innovative elements in the syllabus will be its paneuropean vision and its cross-sectional view of the climate change issue.

Once produced this document will be accessible to all educative community not only in EU but worldwide since it will be freely downloadable from our web pages and will be published in the platform.

The most important document in the EHEA is, undoubtedly, the teaching guide, since it allows to capture, in a standardized way throughout the European Union, all the information about the contents, methodologies, and results that are expected to be obtained from a subject. A Teaching Guide details the design of student learning in terms of content and competences. In order to ensure that learning is centered on the student, a holistic perspective is needed that includes specific competencies (know and know-how), as well as generic competences (know-how to be and knowing how to be). It must also include the methodological strategies (which will be developed in detail in the
O1 methodological guide), as well as the virtual learning space (O4) and, if available, other self-learning materials (O3).

In order for the teaching guide to be well prepared, it must include at least the following sections. In the first place, the different elements on which the curricular design will be built, such as the objectives and competencies addressed, the different content blocks, the proposed learning plan and the criteria that will be used in the evaluation. Secondly, the curricular design itself, in the context of the philosophy of the EHEA and of the degrees to which this subject is addressed. Finally, the evaluation of the competences acquired through the use of rubrics, whose character must be
dynamic and renewable.

It is important to highlight that the competences in which this subject will be more emphasized are precisely the generic competences that, in general, are worse articulated in university education, but are essential in the success of the students' training since they will allow them to adapt to a reality, that of climate change, which will have an ever greater impact on their lives.

These generic competences are included in the Tuning project and include aspects as important for the personal development of the student as interdisciplinary teamwork, work in an international context, skills in interpersonal relationships, recognition of diversity and multiculturalism, critical reasoning, ethical commitment, autonomous learning, adaptation to new situations, and sensitivity to environmental issues, to name the most important.

The Teaching Guide must include the following information:
- Name of the subject and number of credits taught, detailing face-to-face and non-face-to-face credits;
- Grades in which it can be taught as a subject of free configuration and the language in which it is taught;
- A short descriptor of the subject;
- Requirements that must be met by students who want to take it;
- The objectives that are expected to be achieved;
- The competences that students will acquire, distinguishing between general, specific and generic or transversal;
- The agenda, which can be adapted to each region where the subject is taught;
- The teaching activities, which will be detailed in the methodological guide;
- Assessment of competencies through rubrics;
- The recommended bibliography;
- Other sources of information, such as the web platform (intellectual product O3), and interaction, such as the learning community (O4).


English version  Spanish version  Portuguese guide  Greek version Turkie version Italian version

Community of Practice (CoP)

Leading Organization: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


Output Type: Services / structures – E-learning platform

Languages: English, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish

Start Date: 01/05/2020 - End Date: 31/03/2022

Climate change is an important problem that is being studied by a great deal of research groups all over the world. Additionally, there are many international organizations that provide a vast amount of information on the scientific aspects of climate change. However, the information available on the devastating consequences of climate change in every aspect of the human activities is more difficult to get.

For this reason, we will design and implement a Community of Practice (CoP) on an public domain to include
not only the evolution in our knowledge on climate change but also its consequences on humanity. The constant development of climate change-related problems in our society will compel us to frequently update this CoP to include new items. This platform will be an updated resource on climate change information available not only to the students and teachers of the course but also to the whole society, that will find an innovative multifaceted resource of information on climate change and its consequences.

A community of Practice is group of people who shares a concern for something they do and learn how to do it better. In our project our common concern is climate change. To our knowledge this will be the first CoP created in by EU universities to improve the training of EU citizens in this topic. This CoP will improve learning and teaching in climate change issues in all levels (from primary to university, adults learning and so on).

The CoP will be led by IPB and the Coordinator. IPB will create the CoP with an online platform based on free software (DRUPAL).

The Learning Community must rely on a platform that allows users to connect easily and, at the same time, invites them to share their experiences. In this way, learning occurs from one another, which is the true meaning of the learning community.

A series of requirements must be met in order for the community to function operationally, so the design will have several phases, starting with a compilation of the needs of each partner, or of their idea of a learning community. Once the consensus has been reached, P1 will prepare the first version of the platform that covers our learning community, and will be submitted to the tests that each partner will carry out, providing their conclusions, which will be taken into account to optimize it and launch as many new versions as it is necessary, until obtaining the best satisfaction of all the partners with the platform.

main vision of CTwoSEAS


Supporting & Testing all platforms (website, CoP and elearning platforms)

IVEPE-SEV (Greece)

Universita Degli Studi Della Basilicata (Italy)